Our locations

Find out about our Rennie Grove Peace locations with our guide to where, what and who.

Our locations

Our 5 locations across Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire

Peace Hospice

Based in our iconic building in Watford town centre, you’ll find our Inpatient Unit, our Watford-based Outpatient services, our Bereavement, Listening and Talking Therapists, our Chief Executive’s office, a variety of crucial administrative functions and a number of our HR, volunteering, fundraising, marketing, finance and operational colleagues.

Our Inpatient Unit is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Our Administrative office hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Peace Drive
WD17 3PH

Phone Number
01923 33 03 30 (available 9am to 5pm to answer your queries)

Grove House

At Grove House in St Albans you can contact all clinicians connected with our Day Services. Our finance team is also based here along with some members of our family support and fundraising teams.

Waverley Road
St Albans

Phone Number
01727 73 10 00

Rennie House

Rennie House is our Tring office on the Icknield Way Industrial Estate. Here you can reach our fundraising team, hospice at home teams for the Ridgeway area, the Central Bucks area and the whole of Hertfordshire, our Children's hospice at home service plus our Pepper  Foundation team. Our education team is also based here, alongside some members of our family support and HR Teams.

​Rennie House, Icknield Way Industrial Estate
HP23 4JX

Phone Number
01442 89 02 22

Gillian King House

In Gillian King House in Chalfont St Giles you can contact our hospice at home nursing teams for Wycombe and South Bucks. Our family support team also has a base here as does our HR Team.

Hodgemoor View, Three Households
Chalfont St Giles

Phone Number
01494 87 72 00

Bainbridge House

Our retail and trading headquarters is based at Bainbridge House in Berkhamsted and provides support for our charity shops. Contact the team at this office for all general shop and retail and trading enquiries.  For specific shop enquiries, you can call our shops directly.

Bainbridge House, 2 Northbridge Road

Phone Number
01442 87 16 27

For new patient referrals contact our Coordination Centre

Call: 01923 60 60 30

Email: coordinationcentre@renniegrovepeace.org

8am to 6pm, 7 days a week.  Urgent calls only after 6pm.