Volunteering FAQs

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about volunteering with Rennie Grove Peace.

Volunteering FAQs

Whilst there are specific requirements for some roles, we are very keen to support you to volunteer for whatever length of time you can give. Whether you can offer a regular commitment or are happy to be on standby for a few hours, here and there around your schedule, you can still make a difference to us. Give us a call to chat this through. 

No – each role has a different time commitment. Whether you can offer a regular commitment or would prefer something to fit around your schedule, you can still make a real difference to patients and families 

No problem, we just ask that you just contact your manager as far in advance as possible. The work our volunteers do is very important and we might need to find extra cover for your absence.  

Yes, the list of roles that we have is not exhaustive so please do get in touch if you have a particular skill you would like to offer for example particular professional expertise, music or creative skills. 

The level of training will depend on the role you are undertaking. All volunteers must complete core mandatory training before starting for Compassionate Neighbours and Supporting Hands volunteers. 

We ask all volunteers to read our Rennie Grove Peace Volunteering Induction Booklet at the application stage. We also ask you to read the mandatory training book within 4 weeks of starting in your role.   

We ask all volunteers to re-read the Information Governance and General Data Protection Regulation guidance annually or do online training depending on the requirements of their role.  

Volunteers also receive an induction and training specific to their role. eg how to use equipment or any specific skills required for the role.  

There are plenty of opportunities for volunteers to undertake additional training through our Learning & Development team. We regularly circulate updates of training courses available via this route.  

No, volunteering shouldn’t cost you anything. If you choose to claim expenses for travelling to your volunteering role at the Hospice/ our shops, or for any incidental expenses such as parking, these should be agreed with your manager in advance of the expenditure to ensure we are able to cover this. Your manager will be able to provide you with an expense form for claims

Yes, our shops offer a limited number of places for students working towards their Duke of Edinburgh awards. We can support pupils aged 14 and above. Please contact the shop manager directly to see if they have any space for you to have a trial. https://renniegrovepeace.org/shop-with-us/rennie-grove-peace-shop-locations/ 

Our Inpatient Unit at the Peace Hospice also offers opportunities for students, age 17 or over, however we ask for a commitment of at least 6 months for this particular opportunity 

You can start volunteering at one of our shops from age 14, at our events from age 16, and on our Inpatient Unit from aged 17. There is no upper age limit to volunteering.  

Yes, we do support students to do work experience in our shops. We will ask them to complete an application form and will also complete paperwork in liaison with the school/ college. If you are not yet 16*, and wish to volunteer outside of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme or work experience scheme, we would need to apply for a work permit before you volunteer.  

 Please contact the shop manager directly to see if they have any space for you. 

*finished Yr 11

Yes, we very much welcome asylum seekers to volunteer with us and will work with you to ensure we provide a supportive environment. 

We welcome and encourage people to volunteer with us from a diverse range of backgrounds. We will discuss the requirements of the role with you when you first enquire and will endeavour to support you so that you have a positive experience of volunteering.  

There are certain roles that require a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) application to be made, however, this will be made clear at the application stage and is set out on the role profile

Yes, a previous conviction doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t volunteer with us. If you have a criminal record, and would like to volunteer, we would need to speak to you about this and a decision would be made on a case-by-case basis. 

Not necessarily, we only ask for a reference for patientfacing volunteers.