Who can use this service? This service is for our hospice at home patients and carers

When is the service available? Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm, by arrangement according to need

Where is the care provided?* In patients’ homes across Herts and Bucks, with lifts to local appointments etc as required*
About our Supporting Hands home help and companionship service
Rennie Grove Peace’s Supporting Hands service offers companionship, practical help and emotional support to our patients and their families. We use a person-centred approach to focus on the individual’s personal needs and can provide support both at home and on trips out.
We’ll assess your needs over the phone or by visiting you at home before matching you with one of our dedicated volunteers. Initially, we’ll offer six sessions which can be weekly or fortnightly and we’ll then review your needs.
It’s a flexible, volunteer-led service and can be tailored to what you need and when.
Please note we can’t provide clinical support, personal care or full-time cleaning or gardening within this service. We can, however, provide carer respite visits where clinical or personal care support is not required. See below for more information.
Support is flexible depending on individual need, and can include:
Companionship: You might be a patient under the care of our hospice at home nurses and like some company. Or you could be caring for a loved one looked after by our hospice at home nurses. Either way, you might just like a chat with a friendly person in confidence over a cup of tea. Or perhaps a game of cards to take your mind off things or a short walk or trip out with someone. Our Supporting Hands volunteers can help with this and more.
Respite support: We can support carers by offering respite sits in the home. This can provide carers with some valuable time away from the home to run errands, spend time with other family members or just get a bit of time for themselves.
Practical support: We can also help with domestic tasks such as light housework, shopping for basics, simple laundry or preparing a light meal. In addition, we can provide help with some light gardening. For example, if you’re currently finding it a challenge to do the weeding or water the plants, we can help. Alternatively, if walking the dog is a problem, we can help with that too.
Help with transport: You might need the occasional lift to an appointment. Or perhaps you might like a trip out to the local garden centre or a coffee shop. You can always discuss this with a member of the Supporting Hands team to see how it could work.
Support for younger families: Our Supporting Hands volunteers can provide an extra pair of hands to support with the day-to-day needs of a young family household, whether the patient is a child or parent.
Our catchment area spans Herts and Bucks. Supporting Hands is available to current Rennie Grove Peace patients and their carers. If you or your loved one are not yet a patient, but live within our catchment area and are in need of end-of-life nursing care, please speak to your GP about a referral to Rennie Grove Peace.
Like all Rennie Grove Peace services, our Supporting Hands home help service in Herts and Bucks is completely free of charge. It’s not means tested and there’s no cost to you. We can deliver the service thanks to the generosity of the local community. If you’d like to make a donation to support our services, you can do that here.
If you or a family member are currently being cared for by Rennie Grove Peace, and you would like some assistance from our Supporting Hands service, you can easily request help from Supporting Hands by asking a nurse involved in your care or by contacting the Supporting Hands team on:
01923 606030
We’re so pleased you’re interested in joining our team of amazing volunteers. No experience is necessary – we are looking for people with a desire to help, who are good listeners, caring, compassionate and sensitive to the needs of others, trustworthy, reliable and non-judgemental.
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