Who can use this service? Anyone with or recovering from a potentially life-limiting illness*

When is this service available? See individual activity timetables

Where is this service provided? Grove House day centre in St Albans, Peace Hospice in Watford and online
About our courses, classes and group sessions
All our courses, classes and group sessions are designed to help our patients live life as fully as they possibly can.
For example, a range of uplifting and beneficial activities, including yoga, gardening, art and gentle exercise classes boost mobility and general wellbeing. They can also help with symptoms and treatment side effects.
In addition, courses such as our HOPE course (Help Overcoming Problems Effectively) give those with a cancer diagnosis ways to self-manage and cope with the emotional and practical challenges they are facing. The HOPE course is open to anyone who has ever been diagnosed with cancer, whether newly diagnosed, in active treatment, in recovery or remission. The six-week, in-person programme runs at Hertfordshire hospices throughout the year.
- Find new ways to regain your confidence and self-esteem following a cancer diagnosis, during or after treatment.
- Learn strategies to overcome emotional and practical difficulties.
- Gain new self-management techniques around sleep, physical activity, stress, fatigue and life priorities.
- Make plans, achieve goals and feel more positive.
- Meet other people who’ve had similar experiences and get valuable peer support.
- Access specific activities, run by experts, that will improve your mobility and sense of wellbeing.
- Access some classes online.
This service is intended for anyone in Herts (or Bucks) with a life-changing or life-limiting illness. Patients new to Rennie Grove Peace need to complete an initial assessment with our day services nurse before accessing our day services (see ‘How do I access these activities?’ below for more information).
People living in Bucks are welcome to use this service also, but may find the distance too far to travel. If so, we can recommend similar day services nearer to the home, and still support in other ways through our community-based services, such as Family Support.
Like all Rennie Grove Peace services, all our courses, classes and group sessions are completely free of charge. We can deliver the services thanks to the generosity of the local community. In short, donations, charity shop income and fundraising events cover two thirds of our running costs. If you like to make a donation, please click on the link below.
Those already registered as a patient with our Grove House Day Services can simply speak to a nurse or phone 01923 60 60 30 to discuss what sessions would be of most benefit.
New patients will need to have an initial assessment prior to accessing day services. This can be arranged by asking your GP to refer you. Please call 01923 60 60 30 if you have any questions or need more information prior to being referred to this service
To access activities and courses at Grove House, patients must first register as a Grove House Day Services patient. Although patients can self-refer, it is more expedient if their GP or consultant makes the referral.
"Staff listen and are always aware of needs at different time. Environment is friendly and informative. Classes are varied and constructive"
At Rennie Grove Peace, our five service teams work collaboratively to help patients and their families live the best quality life they can. You can learn more about the role each service plays to support adults facing life-changing illness, and their families, here.
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