
Help fund specialist care for families within Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire when you donate to Rennie Grove Peace.


Thank you for considering a donation to Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care.  

When you give to charity, you change people’s lives. And when you give to a hospice, you help families at some of the toughest times in their lives.   By donating to Rennie Grove Peace – you’re giving local families within Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire the choice about how and where they receive that care and support when they need it most.  

As a charity we receive only 14% of our funding from statutory sources.  This year we need to raise £6.2m through fundraising, which equates to more than £17,000 per day.

You can choose to make a one-off donation or set up a regular monthly gift through our secure and trusted platform. If you’re donating in memory of a loved one or contributing to a specific campaign, simply click the buttons below to direct your gift where it matters most. Your generosity helps provide vital care and support to those who need it.

Thank you.

Donating to Rennie Grove Peace

The quickest and easiest way to support Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care is by making a gift online. You can choose to make a one-off donation or set up a regular monthly gift through our secure and trusted platform.

Regular gifts Regular gifts help us plan with confidence to meet the growing demand to help families who need us now and in the future.

rennie grove peace hospice care and support

One-off gifts Every year, we care for thousands of local families facing life-limiting illnesses. Your one-off gift helps make that possible.

Gifts in memory If you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one, please click link below and select 'I am making a donation in memory of a loved one'.

Pay in fundraising If you are paying in fundraising money, please click below and select 'I am donating for a special reason'.

Other ways to donate to Rennie Grove Peace

You can also donate to Rennie Grove Peace in the following ways:

You can send us a one-off gift by cheque or set up a direct debit by post. Please make the cheque payable to Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care and send to Rennie House, Icknield Way Industrial Estate, Tring, HP23 4JX.  

To make a regular gift, email with your name and address and we’ll pop a form in the post to you.  

Call our Fundraising Team on 01442 89 02 22 to donate over the phone from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 

Come and see us. If you live near one of our offices, please do drop in and give us the money directly – we would love to see you!

Gift Aid

Gift aid is a government scheme that lets charities reclaim the tax you’ve already paid through UK income tax or capital gains tax. If you’re a UK taxpayer you can add extra value to your donation – at no cost to you – by signing up to gift aid.

Gift aid on donations

If you are making a donation and would like to sign up to gift aid, please download and complete our Gift Aid Declaration form.  If you have any questions please email or call 01442 89 02 22.

Making a major gift

We are incredibly grateful for every donation, whether it’s a regular gift or a one-off donation.

If you are able to make a major gift, your generosity can have a transformative impact. Whether your aim is to help get a new project off the ground, fund a hospice at home nurse or essential equipment, our philanthropy team is here to help. We’ll work with you to make sure your generous gift makes a significant difference.  Every gift, no matter the size, plays a crucial role in ensuring that patients and their families receive the compassionate care and support they deserve.

Read here for more information about making a major gift.

If you would like to speak to our philanthropy team, please email or call 01442 89 02 22.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any questions regarding making a donation to Rennie Grove Peace please email or call 01442 89 02 22.

Your donation to Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care can make a real difference in the lives of local patients and families facing life-limiting illnesses. With your support, we can provide compassionate, specialist care at home and in our hospice, ensuring comfort, dignity, and choice for those in need. Every donation helps fund our services, from specialist care and bereavement support to therapy sessions and respite for caregivers. By donating, you are giving patients and their families the reassurance that they are not alone, allowing them to make the most of every moment together.

As a charity we receive only 14% of our funding from statutory sources.  This year we need to raise £6.2m through fundraising, which equates to more than £17,000 per day.

The easiest way to do this is online via our trusted and secure platform.  You can choose how much you would like to donate every month – regular gifts help us plan with confidence to meet the growing demand to help patients and their families who need us now and in the future.

If you would like to invite friends and family to make a donation in memory of a loved one there are a number of ways that you can do this:

Donate directly to Rennie Grove Peace

You can suggest people donate on our website. If they add the person’s name in the ‘reason for donation’ box, that helps us track all your in-memory donations. Or people can send you cheques payable to “Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care”.

Set up an online tribute fund

This works a bit like a JustGiving page. You set up your fund, add funeral details, then share the link to family and friends. They can easily donate and add their personal messages in memory too. Your fund is there forever, so it’s a lasting tribute to your loved one.

Order a collection box and gift aid envelopes

You can let people know they can make cash or cheque donations at the funeral. If they can gift aid their in-memory donation, it’s worth 25% more to Rennie Grove Peace at no extra cost to them.


Thank you for raising money for Rennie Grove Peace.  The easiest way to pay in your fundraising is to do it online.  Please click below and select ‘I am donating for a special reason’.