Opportunity details

Location Peace Hospice, Watford

Team Inpatient unit

Likely hours 4 hours per week

Age We welcome volunteers aged 17 upwards on our Inpatient unit
Do you have time to support our patients on our short stay inpatient unit?
Our IPU assistants provide invaluable support to staff, patients and their families and carers within the unit throughout the day.
They provide much needed assistance to the smooth running of the unit, providing both practical and emotional support, including assistance with preparation and serving of food and drinks and welcoming new visitors and supporting families and carers.
We are currently looking to fill the following shifts:
- Sunday mornings
- Friday mornings, afternoons, evenings
- Monday mornings
- Wednesday mornings
We welcome young people from 17+ to join our volunteer team on the IPU.
Why volunteer with us

Make a difference Give your time knowing that you are making a difference to patients and families at a difficult time in their lives

Be part of a team Our IPU team are friendly, busy and purposeful and welcome the extra support that volunteers offer

Use your existing skills or develop new ones This role helps to build empathy, social skills and team working
"Being able to make a small difference to the experience of patients and their families at what may be a very difficult time is really rewarding."
Learn more about volunteering with Rennie Grove Peace
Without the time our volunteers give to support all areas of our work, we couldn’t help all the families who need us. We have a wide range of volunteer roles with varying time commitments to suit people in different circumstances.
Volunteer stories
Hear from some of our amazing Rennie Grove Peace volunteers
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Volunteer with our offices
Our Rennie Grove Peace office-based volunteering roles include receptionists and admin assistants.
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Volunteer with fundraising
Find out about our numerous one-off and ongoing fundraising volunteer roles.
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Volunteer with our shops and retail HQ
Our retail and trading volunteers work across our 32 charity shops and our retail and trading centre in Berkhamsted to help us make the most out of your generous donations.
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Volunteer with our patients, families and those who care for them
Our volunteers help support patients, families, carers and those around them in key roles across Herts and Bucks.
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Make a difference in your local community when you join the Rennie Grove Peace volunteering team
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