Reflexology therapist volunteer

Could you use your reflexology skills to improve the wellbeing of our patients?

Reflexology therapist volunteer

Opportunity details

Location In our patients' homes in Hertfordshire or Buckingham, or at our Living Well centre in St Albans

Team Supportive Care

Clock icon

Likely hours Around 4 hours a week

Complementary therapists work with our patients and their carers or family members to offer a range of treatments that help to contribute to their relaxation and well-being. Treatments will be offered at patients’ homes or at our Living Well centre in St Albans.

Our volunteers make a huge impact on the wellbeing of our patients, giving them relief from symptoms and some much needed space.

Without volunteers, we would not be able to offer this service to all those that would benefit from it.

Learn more about volunteering with Rennie Grove Peace

Without the time our volunteers give to support all areas of our work, we couldn’t help all the families who need us. We have a wide range of volunteer roles with varying time commitments to suit people in different circumstances.