Who is this service intended for? Anyone who has been diagnosed with a potentially life-limiting illness

When is this service available? Weekdays - please consult programme timetables for specific timings

Where is this service provided? At Peace Hospice in Watford, Grove House in St Albans, online and in the community
Holistic care is at the heart of the multidisciplinary support we offer to those affected by a life-limiting illness or bereavement.
Our range of outpatient and rehabilitation services based at both Grove House in St Albans and Peace Hospice in Watford offer support with health and wellbeing to help our patients live well throughout their illness.
Day services and outpatient clinics allow patients for one-to-one specialist assessments or clinical nurse specialist appointments to discuss any concerns and manage symptoms, as well as benefitting from peer support. The practical and emotional support available also includes creative and therapeutic activities, all of which help patients to live the best life they can.
Patients can also benefit from care and advice from occupational therapists and specialist physiotherapists as appropriate.
Our supportive care services also support those around a patient, introducing them to services that can support them emotionally and practically.
For our Bucks patients who find that location too distant, we can refer to similar day services closer to home (in this case please be reassured our community-based services, such as Family Support, can still support you).
"The staff are very friendly while keeping everything professional. All my problems and needs were assessed and dealt with in a professional manner."
- Bereavement, Listening and Talking therapies: our team of qualified therapists support people with feelings of loss or bereavement, at any stage of the journey.
- specialist nurse clinics – a one-to-one consultation to discuss your healthcare needs and other support you or your family may need
- the Living Well programme – get specialist advice and peer support in a positive and active environment one day a week
- physiotherapy – manage your physical and psychological well-being with simple exercises and equipment in sessions at Grove House, Peace Hospice or your home
- occupational therapy – stay active and independent with OT sessions at Grove House, Peace Hospice or your home
- course and activities – feel empowered through our HOPE course; enjoy some low-pressure gardening at our beautiful gardens at Grove House; or boost your fitness, flexibility and well-being with The Movement, an exercise class delivered remotely over Zoom or in person at Grove House. Visit our courses and activities page for more information
Like all Rennie Grove Peace services, our Outpatient Services are completely free of charge. They’re not means tested and there’s no cost to the patient or their family. We can deliver the services thanks to the generosity of the local community.
In short, NHS funding, trusts and grants, our supporter donations, charity shop income and fundraising events cover the majority of our charity’s running costs.
If you would like to make a donation, please click on the link below.
If you’re registered with a GP in our catchment area of Herts and Bucks, you can either:
- ask your GP, or any healthcare provider involved in your care, to refer you to Rennie Grove Peace Outpatient Services (If you are making the request by email you may wish to copy and paste this link into the email for their reference).
- you can self refer, by simply phoning our coordination centre on 01923 60 60 30. A member of our specialist team will be able to advise on next steps. When self-referring, it is helpful if you can provide us with your GP name and address and your preferred method of contact.
Healthcare professionals can find referral information for this service on our ‘referring to Grove House Day Services’ page, which is here:
Learn more about what's on offer through our Outpatient Services
The Living Well programme
Learning to live well with a progressive life-limiting illness
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Specialist Nurse Clinic
Specialist nurse support for those facing cancer and other life-limiting illness.
Read more
Our physiotherapists help patients with life-changing illness stay active and independent.
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Occupational Therapy
Our occupational therapists help people maintain independence and improve quality of life through cancer and life-limiting illness.
Read more
Courses, classes and group sessions
The wide range of activities and courses on offer enable people to try new things, make new friends, and learn more about themselves too.
Read more
Wellbeing resources
We'll be uploading video content so you can practice your wellbeing at home.
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Other services that might be of interest
Information about our services
Learn more about the role each of our services plays.
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Support from diagnosis
For patients with cancer and other life-limiting illness within Bucks and Herts.
Read more
Supportive Care
We help with emotional and practical support for patients, carers, family members and the bereaved.
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