David’s Story

“I’ll always treasure that day. The Hospice at Home nurse went way above the call of duty to make our special day possible and I’ll always be so grateful that she found a way to make it happen. "

David’s Story

Supporting David and his family

David was still working in a demanding career in security when he was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 63. Described as a happy, proud and very loving family man, David’s diagnosis with oesophageal cancer in May 2022 came as a devastating blow to him, his wife and their two sons. Here his wife, Bev, tells us how Rennie Grove Peace was able to support the whole family at such a difficult time.  

Bev says:  

“At the point that David was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, it had already spread and there was nothing the doctors could do. We were all devastated.  

“For a while he was well with it. And in this time our GP referred him to the Living Well outpatients service at Grove House. David was a very shy man so I wasn’t sure how he would find it but he got a huge amount out of it. He would come home each Tuesday after the sessions quite buoyed by it.  

“As well as peer support from the other people in the group, he had specialist nurse advice on dealing with his diagnosis and also practical help with things like applying for benefits and what he would be entitled to. This was a great help and a good introduction to the services Rennie Grove Peace offers.  

“In the last eight weeks of his life David became quite ill. He was in a lot of pain during this time. That’s when the Hospice at Home team became involved.  

“Our sons are grown up now so it was just David and me at home. I was struggling to deal with his illness myself so to have the Hospice at Home team come in and take on the responsibility for his medical care was a huge relief for me.  

“The nurses would come to our home every other day to deal with the syringe driver that delivered the medication to keep his pain under control.  

“In June 2023 it was our 39th wedding anniversary. We were desperate to get away and do something to celebrate. But we couldn’t stay away because the syringe driver needed to be topped up every 24 hours.  

“In the end, the Hospice at Home team made it possible for us to get away for the day. A lovely nurse came to our home really early in the morning to top up David’s syringe driver so we could get away for the day and come back before it next needed topping up.  

“We had such a lovely day. We visited friends near Rutland and had an anniversary cruise on Rutland Water. It was very special. It was a freezing cold day but we got David all wrapped up and some lovely sailors came and helped him on and off the boat.  

“I’ll always treasure that day. The Hospice at Home nurse went way above the call of duty to make our special day possible and I’ll always be so grateful that she found a way to make it happen.  

“As his illness progressed, David was admitted to our local hospice inpatient unit. It was our Rennie Grove Peace Hospice at Home nurse who made that happen. As well as being caring, skilled and practical, I also found all the nurses in the team to be great organisers, too. She could see it was too much for me at home so she made all the arrangements for him to be admitted for symptom respite. He sadly died during his stay in the unit, in August 2023. 

“I can’t praise the Rennie Grove Peace team enough for what they did for David, and our whole family, during his illness. It was a relief to know that support was available from the point of diagnosis and that we could rely on the team as his condition deteriorated.” 

Raising funds for Rennie Grove Peace

Having worked at a GP surgery in St Albans, Bev was already familiar with Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care before David’s diagnosis. She and her former colleagues at the surgery have teamed up together to take on active fundraising challenges in the past and this year have set their sights on the Chilterns 3 Peaks Challenge in aid of Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care, in the event’s 15th anniversary year.  

Bev explains:  

“We call ourselves the Midway Movers, after the name of the surgery where we met – I worked there until my recent retirement and the others still work there. We’re all different ages and have different levels of fitness but we love teaming up together to take on fundraising challenges.  

“After David died I knew I wanted to do something to give back to Rennie Grove Peace for the amazing care we had all received. I follow the charity on facebook and when I saw the Chilterns 3 Peaks challenge advertised, I knew it would be perfect for us. I enjoy walking and can’t think of a better charity to take on such a challenge for.   

“We’re looking forward to this as it’s local to us but different from the challenges we’ve taken on before. We’re all looking forward to the lovely views and tackling the challenge together on the day.  

“I’m training by continuing to enjoy lots of long walks. My sister will be travelling down from Scotland to join me and my two sons, as well as my new granddaughter – who sadly David never got to meet – will hopefully be along the route to cheer us on! I’m looking forward to doing something positive with a group of good friends and family, to raise money for Rennie Grove Peace.”