Our Community Engagement team are always looking at ways of raising awareness of all Rennie Grove Peace services and how we support adults and children with progressive life-limiting illnesses (and those who care for them) in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.
We want to ensure that more people from all sections of the community can easily access our services and influence the way we provide them. We also want to hear how you would like us to develop these services, now and in the future.
The Community Engagement team look to work with the local community, to:
- Raise awareness and build up our team of supporters to highlight our services.
- Look at what partnership work we can do with them to develop other services/activities and joint events
- Encourage people to volunteer with us.
- Extend and deliver more of our volunteer-led Compassionate Communities.
- Encourage people to join our events and fundraising activities.
- Encourage people to fundraise with us.
- Identify any barriers to accessing our services and breakdown any myths around hospice care.
Who we work with
The Community Engagement team work with a team of Ambassador volunteers to engage with groups, organisations and communities to inform people about how they, or their loved ones, could benefit from Rennie Grove Peace services.

Our work
Learn about some of the Community Engagement work we have done recently through our quarterly updates our visit our social media channels.
Connecting with our Community: Quarterly Update
An overview of the events and meetings our Community Engagement team have participated in to develop connections & partnerships across Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.
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Connecting with our Community: Quarterly Update
An overview of the events and meetings our Community Engagement team have participated in to develop connections & partnerships across Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.
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Connecting with our Community: Quarterly Update
An overview of the events and meetings our Community Engagement team have participated in to develop connections & partnerships across Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.
Read more
Get in touch
If you want to know more, or are interested in working with us, please get in touch with our Community Engagement team.

Phone 01923 33 03 30

Email compassion@renniegrovepeace.org