Scott’s story
When Scott, from St Albans, retired early from his career in live events he knew he wanted to try volunteering to fill his days and give something back in his community. He can now be found driving around Hertfordshire most weekdays delivering patients to appointments, fundraised income to the right place and vital medical equipment to our hospice care teams. He explains:
“I was searching online for volunteer opportunities and spotted Rennie Grove Peace. I remembered how good the charity had been at caring for my mother-in-law before she died in 2023 so when I saw a vacancy for volunteer drivers I applied straight away.
“At first I was mostly driving patients to appointments at Grove House. Sometimes I’d take the same patients each week to the Living Well course. I really enjoy getting to know patients and hearing their stories. Everybody has a story to tell and that’s what I love. I was speaking to a patient recently who had been involved in clearing the land for what is now The Quadrant. I learn so much about local history from the people I drive.
“I’ve even started to become much more acquainted with the street names around St Albans. I might have lived here for almost 50 years but I’d always previously orientated myself based on pubs! Now I’m learning all the different areas and street names, thanks for my trusty sat nav.
“Driving longer distances doesn’t faze me at all. I grew up in Australia where we’d think nothing of driving 250 miles to go fishing at the weekend! So picking up a patient on the other side of Watford is no problem at all. The team could see I was happy to drive slightly further distances and I started to volunteer to deliver things that weren’t patients. Like collecting fundraised income from one of the charity’s sites and delivering it to the fundraising office.
“I now spend two afternoons per week doing just that – driving between the charity’s sites in St Albans, Tring and Watford to deliver whatever is needed. Often this is vital medical equipment, like a syringe driver, that is needed by one of the other nursing teams. It would waste valuable nursing time for them to be taking equipment back and forth themselves so I’m very happy to step in and do it.
“I really enjoy the role and my favourite part is definitely the people. There are the patients I meet and also the other drivers. On Wednesday mornings the volunteer drivers regularly get together for a coffee. I’ve met so many people from different walks of life in this role and for me that’s the best bit.”
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