Free virtual workshop: What is Advance Care Planning (ACP)?

We want to help people look at future planning and have a discussion over what exactly Advance Care Planning is.

Free virtual workshop: What is Advance Care Planning (ACP)?

Who is this for? Open to anyone, from healthcare professionals to members of the public.

When? Thursday 8 May & Monday 6 October 2025, 12:00 - 1:30pm (online)

Cost? Free

Ask, Chat, Planning for the Future

An awareness session that will serve as an introduction for staff and volunteers in the voluntary sector, healthcare staff, and the wider public on what Advance Care Planning (ACP) is. The session will include an opportunity to start thinking and talking about end-of-life care wishes and preferences. This session is for those who wish to explore more about ACP and what to include, for example, lasting power of attorney (LPA), ReSPECT, advance decisions to refuse treatment, and will introduce you to some of the templates that can be used to facilitate the process either for yourself, your loved ones, or those that you are working with.

Delivered by: Alison May, Community Engagement Manager & Leonie Lowrie, Practice Educator from Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care

Book your place

Thursday 8 May 2025 Book onto May's workshop

Monday 6 October 2025 Book onto October's workshop