Referral information

How to refer patients to our services from the point of diagnosis.

Referral information

We are here for patients with all progressive life-limiting illnesses 

We provide care for patients with a variety of progressive life-limiting illnesses, such as cancer, non-malignant disease and people living with frailty.     

We help patients from the moment they are diagnosed

The earlier we see patients who have been diagnosed with a progressive life-limiting illness, the better the outcome for the patient and their families.  

Find out more about our services here

We provide care for patients within Buckinghamshire and West and South Hertfordshire 

We provide care for patients with a life-limiting illness whose GP surgery falls in our catchment area within West Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.   

Click here for a list of localities and Primary Care Networks (PCNs) we cover.

How to refer 

Download the Bucks referral form

Our Rapid Personalised Care Service helps patients whose health is ‘rapidly deteriorating’ with washing and dressing in their own home.  This service is for up to 12 weeks. 

Download RPCA referral form  

Download RPCA consent form 

Complete both forms and submit to 

Call the Coordination Centre with any questions about our services. 

Our Rapid Personalised Care Service helps patients whose health is ‘rapidly deteriorating’ with washing and dressing in their own home.  This service is for up to 12 weeks. 

Complete a Fast-track pathway tool for NHS continuing healthcare (CHC) referral form and consent, stating ‘RPCS appropriate’ and send as normal to: 

Call the Coordination Centre with any questions about our services. 

Whilst our counsellors have extensive experience in supporting those with a life-limiting illness or a bereaved relative, we also support people who have depression and anxiety for a variety of other reasons.

You can refer using an IAPT referral form which you can send to

Call the Coordination Centre with any questions about our services.