Donations in memory

Help fund care for other families for generations to come. Find out about requesting funeral donations to Rennie Grove Peace.

Donations in memory

Sharing memories and saying goodbye  

We know it’s important to come together to grieve, share memories, and say goodbye to a loved one. Thank you so much for thinking about donations in memory at such a difficult time.

You can choose how you want to share memories and make a difference to other families. We hope you find the options below helpful. But please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any point.  You can speak to a member of our team on 01442 89 02 22 or email 

Funeral donations to Rennie Grove Peace

If you’d like to ask people to donate to Rennie Grove Peace instead of bringing flowers to the funeral, there are several ways to do this.

Butterfly logo

Set up an online tribute fund This works a bit like a JustGiving page. You set up your fund, add funeral details, then share the link to family and friends. They can easily donate and add their personal messages in memory too. Your fund is there forever, so it’s a lasting tribute to your loved one.

Rennie Grove Peace - fundraising box

Order a collection box and gift aid envelopes You can let people know they can make cash or cheque donations at the funeral. If they can gift aid their in-memory donation, it’s worth 25% more to Rennie Grove Peace at no extra cost to them.

Support us

Donate direct to Rennie Grove Peace You can suggest people donate on our website. If they add the person’s name in the ‘reason for donation’ box, that helps us track all your in-memory donations. Or people can send you cheques payable to "Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care"

Some people prefer to donate in memory after the funeral. So you could add a web link – to your tribute fund or our donate page – to the order of service.

Contact us:

Should you have any questions please give our team a call on 01442 89 02 22 or email