Declutter and donate this New Year

Forget shop till you drop. Make drop to the shop your new mantra.

Declutter and donate this New Year

Forget shop till you drop. Make drop to the shop your new mantra. Here at Rennie Grove we depend heavily on the £3.3 million a year raised through our chain of charity shops across Bucks and west Herts. That’s around 40% of our total funding.

Trying to hit that target during the pandemic has been challenging as we, along with rest of Britain’s high streets, have suffered the impact of Covid-19 and resulting restrictions. Now we’re asking you to bring along donations of good quality items that can help boost our sales.

And if you sign up for the Government’s retail Gift Aid scheme, the Treasury will chip in with an additional 25% of your donated items’ sale value. Just a few moments of your time to sign up can make such a difference.

According to Deborah Gould, Director of Retail at Rennie Grove: “When you donate items for us to sell in our shops, you’re helping to fund life-changing care in your local community. By keeping patients out of hospital and at home with their families, you’ll help them make precious memories when every moment matters.”

But we want more than your goods, we’d like your services. Time can be precious, too. We need volunteers across a whole range of roles. It could be in the shop where you’ve just delivered your donation. It could be in IT, car maintenance.  It could be taking calls on our nursing line or as a volunteer driver or qualified complementary therapist.

Susan Lewis, Volunteer Services Advisor, explains: “We couldn’t help all the families who need our care without the time our volunteers give. If you have skills you’d like to use – or new skills you’d like to learn – get in touch. We’d love to chat with you about how we might be able to help each other.”

Where to next?

  • Donate

    Help fund specialist care for families within Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire when you donate to Rennie Grove Peace.

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    All the latest news from Rennie Grove Peace

  • two people fundraising for rennie grove peace

    Get involved

    Donate, fundraise, volunteer or shop with us to make a difference to local families facing life-limiting illness.

  • Rennie Grove’s care is provided free of charge to patients and their families in Bucks and west Herts Rennie Grove’s care spans support from diagnosis to end of life

    Our care and support

    At Rennie Grove Peace, our unique care provides a lifeline of compassion and support to patients, carers, and families facing life-limiting illness within Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.