When? Monday 10 June - Tuesday 9 July (open Monday - Friday from 9.00am til 4.00pm)

Where? Gallery 101, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4EH

Cost? Free admission, no booking required
Art of Grieving at Gallery 101
The Art of Grieving was founded by Kate Ray in 2017, when she was a trustee of Bereavement Matters in St Albans.
Exhibitions happen every two years when artists are invited to submit work of any type – paintings, sculptures, photos, short films, textiles, songs and poetry about loss, bereavement or death. The exhibitions help break the taboo around these topics.
For the first time, patient artwork will be displayed at the exhibition with a piece called ‘Community Spirit’ a jigsaw collectively created by our inpatients and led by patient Ian Murray whose amiable character engaged and brought solace to others who were part of the community within the unit.
'Community Spirit'
Ian began completing a jigsaw one weekend and invited other patients and relatives to join him. This not only provided a distraction but connected people in a shared endeavour in the unit’s communal space. When all the jigsaw’s pieces had been used, the jigsaw was incomplete – with one central piece missing. The determination to not let this defeat him inspired Ian to create the missing piece himself using materials at the hospice. He named the piece ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / -.-. .- -. -.-. . .-. which is a Morse code representation of a phrase that summarised Ian’s feelings towards cancer. It was Ian's wish that the piece be framed and displayed in the unit but sadly he died before it was displayed. His family has given permission for the piece to be part of the exhibition to symbolise the feeling of ‘a missing piece’ that many experience following a bereavement and to bring hope that the gap left by loss can be filled.

Bereavement, Listening and Talking Therapies
Counsellors and trained listeners provide emotional support for those facing life-changing illness or bereavement.
Bereavement Support Programme
Connect with others as you together explore your thoughts and feelings about your loss in this guided eight-week programme.
Care stories
Learn more about the care we provide from some of our patients, carers and families we've had the privilege of supporting.