Rapid Personalised Care Service

Fully funded by the NHS, this service provides personal care support for those approaching end-of-life who wish to remain at home.

Rapid Personalised Care Service

Who is this service intended for? People in the last 12 weeks of life who need support with personal care

When is this service available? Between 7am and 11 pm, 7 days a week

Where is this service provided? In the home, across our Herts catchment area, with pilot provision in Bucks*

About our Rapid Personalised Care Service

The Rennie Grove Peace Rapid Personalised Care Service offers personalised care for up to 12 weeks. By providing help with things like meal preparation, washing, dressing, and toileting, this service gives patients reaching end of life the daily support they need to stay safe and comfortable at home during their final weeks.

  • Your personalised care package will be in place within 48 hours of your referral to us.
  • Up to 4 daily visits to your home, 7 days a week, for 12 weeks, between 7am and 11pm.
  • All your daily care needs addressed so you can stay safe and comfortable at home.
  • Trained healthcare assistants from Rennie Grove Peace (and approved agency staff where necessary) give you the specialist support you need.
  • A senior clinician from Rennie Grove Peace will assess your needs within 72 hours of your first visit, so you can agree a personalised care plan.
  • Rennie Grove Peace Community Hospice at Home nurses will also make scheduled and emergency visits to your home as needed, to provide specialist nursing care.
  • Our Rapid Personalised Care Service, combined with our  Community Hospice at Home nursing care, gives patients the choice to stay at home in their final weeks.
  • Specialist and personal care is coordinated and tailored to you and your family’s changing needs.

The Rapid Personalised Care Service is completely free of charge. It’s not means tested and there’s no cost to the patient or their family. Unlike our other services, this service is a fully funded NHS commissioned service. We are delighted to be fulfilling the contract for this service, as it enables us to provide a seamless care experience for patients reaching end-of-life.

If you or a family member has a terminal diagnosis and you are in urgent need of personal care support at home, please talk to your consultant or GP about a referral to ‘The Rennie Grove Peace Rapid Personalised Care Service’.  If you make the request by email you may wish to copy and paste the link above into your email for ease of reference.

If you or a family member are already being cared for by Rennie Grove Peace, speak to your  Community Hospice at Home nurse who can make an in-house referral.

If you are a GP or consultant looking to refer a patient, please visit our  ‘Referring for Rapid Personal Care’ page for referral information:

The service is well-established in our Herts catchment area and currently in a pilot phase in Bucks.

"I cannot praise the carers highly enough. I have had them for both my mum and my dad and they are fantastic. They genuinely do care about the patient and go out of their way to make sure my dad was always comfortable and safe."

- Family member of patients