End-of-life care for children at home

Our nurses will be there when you need them, day and night.

End-of-life care for children at home

End-of-life care at home for children and their families in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire

When the time comes to face the unfaceable, our Rennie Grove Peace teams mobilise to provide whatever support is needed, so the family never feels alone.

Familiar nurses available whenever you need them, 24 hours a day

Our Children’s Hospice at Home nurses provide specialist nursing care at home as needed, day and night. We’ll continue to provide respite visits too, so you can get some sleep or spend time with a sibling who needs support too.

Specially adapted play sessions, so your child can still enjoy being a child

Play specialist sessions can continue as well, boosting wellbeing and helping your child and your family enjoy special moments. Our play specialists have a treasure trove of specially adapted toys, and can adapt their sensory stories to suit, bringing a magical hour of music and light into the home.

Complementary therapy for parents and carers

Complementary therapy can help you stay as focused and calm as possible during the most difficult of times. Therapies such as massage and reflexology, delivered by qualified therapists in your own home, can help relieve stress and even help you sleep.

Listening and talking therapies for children, young people and their families

We can offer the families of our child patients the valuable chance to talk with trained listeners and specialist counsellors. Whether you’re the parent, sibling or grandparent of a child in our care, access our listening and talking therapies the way that works best for you.

Practical help to keep family life intact

Our Supporting Hands volunteers can help with the children, housework, transport and more.

Helping young family members to prepare for and cope with loss

Siblings of child patients (and children of our adult patients) can attend our monthly children’s support group at Grove House. Hosted by our children’s support specialists, the group provides all-important friendship, play and opportunities to talk if needed. See our full range of support available for children.

We adapt the care we offer to a child's changing needs. For example, if a child's condition becomes unstable, we'll offer the family 24-hour on call nursing care. We do the same as a child nears end of life. If parents can reach us any time of the day or night in times of crisis, we can help avoid hospital admissions and keep families at home together.

Sarah Mobsby - Children's Hospice at Home Nurse

Sarah Mobsby - Children's Hospice at Home nurse