Mary Jane and her family
“When Alison from Rennie Grove came to the door I’ve never been so relieved to see anyone.” Rennie Grove’s nurses made Mary Jane’s final hours as comfortable as possible. Here her daughter, Rohan, explains what that meant to her Mum and the whole family.
“Mum – Mary Jane – was a wonderful woman who was brilliant at getting things done. At her funeral, her cousin described her as “can do with compassion” and that sums her up completely.
“She retired from a nursing career a couple of years ago and threw herself into charity work and singing in several choirs. She was super-organised and that came in really handy as I was getting married and she was incredibly helpful with my wedding plans.
“Around that time Mum started to feel unwell and tests showed there was a growth on her pancreas. She had the growth removed and although subsequent tests didn’t show cancer present she underwent around 6 months of chemotherapy to be on the safe side. She ended the chemo in February 2018.
Mary Jane and her children Ben, Rohan and Bryony
“I have such admiration for Rennie Grove’s nurses. It should have felt strange that there was someone else with us at such a private time but it was quite the opposite, Clair was so supportive that it felt right."
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