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Our Privacy Notice
Last updated: Last updated: 12 April 2024
Who we are
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care
Registered Office: Peace Drive, Watford, Herts, WD17 3PH
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care is a Company limited by guaranteed and registered (England and Wales) 14355610.
ICO Registration Number: ZB397182
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care is a charity providing care and support for people diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and support for their families. We rely on the generous support of our local community to fund our annual running costs to ensure that we can continue to provide our vital care for all who need it in our catchment area in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
While delivering our services and raising the funds needed to sustain them, we develop relationships with people and organisations in the local community which involves collecting and using personal information. Personal information, or personal data, means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymised). This Privacy Notice details how and why we collect and use this information and how we keep it safe. We also explain your rights and choices and how to get in touch with us.
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care is the Data Controller for this personal information. We may update this Notice, so please check this page from time to time. We will place a notice on our website to let you know about major changes.
Merger of Rennie Grove Hospice Care and Peace Hospice Care
Our organisation came into existence following the merger of Peace Hospice Care and Rennie Grove Hospice Care. Both organisations began to merge on the 1st of October 2022. Rennie Grove Hospice Care and Peace Hospice Care will still exist as organisations for the foreseeable future, this Privacy Policy also covers those organisations.
Personal data is now shared between the organisations as we become Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care. Your data will be transferred to Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care as the Data Controller. Where applicable (for example for digital fundraising activity), we will re-seek your consent to continue processing your data in this new organisation.
We will be updating this privacy policy regularly.
If you have any queries regarding how your data is being used or to exercise any of your rights, please contact our Data Protection Officer via dpo@renniegrovepeace.org or call 01923 330 330.
Contacting us
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who will be responsible for privacy matters and the protection of personal data we hold as an organisation, their details are below:
Name: Darren Kewley
Email address: dpo@renniegrovepeace.org
Telephone number: 01923 330 330
Making complaints
If you are unhappy with the way we collect or process your personal information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who are the UK’s supervisory authority for data protection.
Complaints and concerns can be lodged with the ICO via this link: https://ico.org.uk/concerns/
We kindly ask that before any complaints are lodged with the ICO, that you contact us first to try and resolve any issues you may have.
Our commitment to you
We are committed to protecting your privacy and will only use the personal data that we collect in line with all applicable data protection laws, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR).
We are also committed to respecting your wishes and would like to communicate with you in the way that you would prefer to enable us to build a good relationship. You can change your contact preferences at any time by calling us on 01923 330 330 or emailing dpo@renniegrovepeace.org.
Please note, we will action your request as soon as we can, but it is possible that you may receive further contact such as mailings which are already in progress for up to 28 days.
If you or a family member are receiving care or support from one of our services, the information we hold about you will be used only for the purpose of providing care and support and information about our services.
The information we collect about you
This could include:
- Details which identify you, your relatives or next of kin such as your name, address, contact numbers, date of birth and email address
- Details of visits we have made to you at home
- Details of other services received
- Notes and reports about your/your relative’s health and treatment which may include information from other healthcare providers
- Notes and reports regarding counselling services provided to you, your relative or other family members
- Information provided by your family or those who care for you and know you well
- Information about your story and your experience of our care
Special category data
Some types of personal data are likely to be more sensitive and therefore require extra protection. The UK GDPR identifies special category data as:
- Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin
- Personal data revealing political opinions
- Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs
- Personal data revealing trade union membership
- Genetic data
- Biometric data (where used for identification purposes)
- Data concerning health
- Data concerning a person’s sex life
- Data concerning a person’s sexual orientation
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care will process special category data as part of the services we provide to you or a member of your family. Our special condition(s) for processing this data is documented in a later section of this Privacy Notice.
How we collect this information
- Directly from you, verbally, on paper or digitally or via the use of our website
- From your GP, hospital doctor or other healthcare professional either by telephone, paper notes or through the referral systems or shared access to medical records
- From discussions with your carers, friends or members of your family
Why we need this information
Having up-to-date information about your health and your treatment is essential to provide high quality, safe and appropriate care to you and your carers, friends and family members.
We may also contact you, your next of kin or family members via direct mail or telephone to inform you about fundraising efforts we undertake to raise money for our charity. We may also ask your consent to opt-in to such fundraising communications via email or text messaging.
Our lawful basis for processing this information
We are allowed to process your information for one or more of these reasons:
- Consent: you have given clear consent for us to process their personal data for a specific purpose.
- Vital interests: the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life.
- Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests.
Conditions for processing special category data
Where we process special category data, we are also required to have a condition for processing such data. We rely on the following conditions for processing special category data about our patients and their family:
- With your explicit consent
- To protect the vital interests of you or your relative
- In the delivery of health or social care with a basis in UK law as the provision of healthcare or treatment
- For the reason of public interest in public health with a basis in UK law that the processing is carried out by, or under the responsibility of, a health professional
How we use this information
- To inform, plan and carry out your treatment and provide advice.
- To make sure that your wishes are considered where we provide treatment or advice.
- To ensure that all treatment is safe and effective, and that advice is appropriate for you.
- To provide all healthcare providers involved in your care, which may include GPs, hospital-based clinicians, nurses in the community and health visitors, with up-to-date and accurate information about your health and care so that, working together, we can make the best decisions about diagnosis, treatment and care.
- To ensure that all professionals involved in your care have up-to-date and accurate information so that we can work effectively together to care for you.
- To help us improve our services or investigate concerns or complaints.
- Sometimes we will ask you permission to share your story and experience of our care for the purposes of publicising the work we do and for fundraising.
- We may also contact you, your next of kin or family members via direct mail or telephone to inform you about fundraising efforts we undertake to raise money for our charity. We may also ask your consent to opt-in to such fundraising communications via email or text messaging.
Sometimes we use anonymised data (where identifying personal information has been removed) for clinical audit or research purposes and to evidence the care we provide.
Where we store your information
- We use a system called SystmOne to process patient information. SystmOne is currently used by a wide range of healthcare providers and the NHS, which enables the sharing of your health information with other clinicians and organisations involved in your care.
- Patients who have previously received care from Rennie Grove Hospice Care may have their patient data stored in a system called InfoFlex. This system will remain in place whilst our organisation fully migrates to SystmOne.
- We may also temporarily hold data on internal IT systems or in cloud environments used by our organisation.
- All patient data will be stored within the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area (EEA).
Who we share your information with
- Other healthcare organisations and clinicians involved in your care.
- Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care takes part in a scheme called ‘My Care Record’. This scheme enables us to share information with other healthcare organisations across Hertfordshire and West Essex where you have previously been treated in Hertfordshire. You can find out more about this scheme at https://www.mycarerecord.org.uk/.
- Our clinical teams may also share contact information about your next of kin with our fundraising team so that they can contact them to inform them about additional support in relation to fundraising and the work we do as a charity unless we receive a specific objection to this method of sharing.
National Data Opt-Out
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care is one of many organisations working in the health and care system to improve care for patients and the public.
Whenever you use a health or care service, such as attending Accident and Emergency or using Community Care services, important information about you is collected in a patient record for that service. Collecting this information helps to ensure you get the best possible care and treatment.
The information collected about you when you use these services can also be used and provided to other organisations for purposes beyond your individual care, for instance to help with:
- Improving the quality and standards of care provided
- Research into the development of new treatments
- Preventing illness and diseases
- Monitoring safety
- Planning services
This may only take place when there is a clear legal basis to use this information. All these uses help to provide better health and care for you, your family and future generations. Confidential patient information about your health and care is only used like this where it is allowed by law.
Most of the time, anonymised data is used for research and planning so that you cannot be identified in which case your confidential patient information isn’t needed.
You have a choice about whether you want your confidential patient information to be used in this way. If you are happy with this use of information you do not need to do anything. If you do choose to opt out your confidential patient information will still be used to support your individual care.
To find out more or to register your choice to opt out, please visit www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters. On this web page you will:
- See what is meant by confidential patient information
- Find examples of when confidential patient information is used for individual care and examples of when it is used for purposes beyond individual care
- Find out more about the benefits of sharing data
- Understand more about who uses the data
- Find out how your data is protected
- Be able to access the system to view, set or change your setting
- Find the contact telephone number if you want to know any more or to opt-out by phone
- See the situations where the opt-out will not apply
You can also find out more about how patient information is used at:
https://www.hra.nhs.uk/information-about-patients/ (which covers health and care research); and https://understandingpatientdata.org.uk/what-you-need-know (which covers how and why patient information is used, the safeguards and how decisions are made).
You can change your mind about your choice at any time.
Data being used or shared for purposes beyond individual care does not include your data being shared with insurance companies or used for marketing purposes and data would only be used in this way with your specific agreement.
Health and care organisations have until 2022 to put systems and processes in place so they can be compliant with the national data opt-out and apply your choice to any confidential patient information they use or share for purposes beyond your individual care. Our organisation is currently compliant with the national data opt-out policy.
How we keep patient information safe
In accordance with NHS guidance, Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care has appointed its Medical Director as a Caldicott Guardian. Our Caldicott Guardian is responsible for protecting patient confidentiality and enabling the appropriate sharing of information. The sharing of sensitive personal information is strictly controlled by law. We will outline how we share information and ask for your consent and give you the opportunity to opt-out. If you are unable to consent for any reason, we will only share information where it is in your best interests to do so.
Measures that we use to protect your information include:
- We store your information on patient record systems called SystmOne which is provided by a company called TPP and InfoFlex which is provided by Civica. As the merger of Peace Hospice Care and Rennie Grove Hospice Care completes, SytmOne will become our primary patient care system.
- Access to SystmOne is restricted and they are required to use a smartcard or multi-factor authentication to access the system.
- Our organisation undergoes annual audited cyber security accreditation which is carried out by a third-party cyber security consultancy.
- We annually complete the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) which measures our performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards.
- Staff and volunteers are appropriately trained in data protection and information security.
- Access to our systems by staff and volunteers is provided based on the principles of ‘least-privilege’ and ‘need to know’.
- We use a range of dedicated cyber security technologies including endpoint security, network firewalls and security monitoring services.
- Physical security controls such as door access and CCTV are in operation at our sites.
- Third parties contracted by Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care to provide technical support will only have access to personal data if necessary to perform their role and will be bound by contractual confidentiality and data processing agreements.
- All staff have a duty to record your personal information and information about your care accurately and to keep it secure and confidential.
- We ensure that your data is encrypted both in-transit and at-rest.
The information we collect about you
As we get to know you, we collect a variety of different information to help us build a strong relationship. How much information we collect depends on the type of relationship we have.
If you shop with us, donate to us, support our fundraising activities or attend one of our education events we may collect the following information:
- Your personal details including your name, address, telephone number, mobile number, email address, date of birth
- Details of your donations
- Your Gift Aid Status
- Bank and credit card details
- Records of your correspondence and discussions with us
- Your motivations for supporting us
- Publicly available information about your charitable activities
- Your interests and connections
- Other event-related information (for example dietary requirements and t-shirt size)
- Your contact details if you are given as an emergency contact for a participant in one of our events (we do not retain these details after the event)
- If you have attended one of our events or activities, you may be photographed or videoed for promotional purposes
- Other information you choose to share with us – e.g., relationships with other donors and where you work
- Your publicly available career overview and whether you are a director of a company
- Company details of corporate supporters including address, phone numbers, email addresses, publicly available employee information, date of incorporation, business and charitable activities
- Your fundraising stories
- How you heard about us/our fundraising activities
- How you use our website
- Your social media links/handles
Special category data
Some types of personal data are likely to be more sensitive and therefore require extra protection. The UK GDPR identifies special category data as:
- Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin
- Personal data revealing political opinions
- Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs
- Personal data revealing trade union membership
- Genetic data
- Biometric data (where used for identification purposes)
- Data concerning health
- Data concerning a person’s sex life
- Data concerning a person’s sexual orientation
In certain limited cases we may collect special category data about you. For example, if you enter an event, we may ask you if you have any relevant medical conditions. We will only collect this data about you if there is a clear and valid reason for doing so and we will securely dispose of that data once the purpose for which it was collected has expired. Our special condition(s) for processing this data is documented in a later section of this Privacy Notice.
How we collect this information
- Directly from you when you contact us, donate, take part in one of our fundraising or education activities or when you make an online shop purchase or sign up as a Gift Aid donor in one of our shops
- Via cookies or online forms when you use our website https://renniegrovepeace.org/
- Indirectly from someone known to you when you give them permission to enter you into one of our events
- From a third party when you use other fundraising websites such as JustGiving, Much Loved, the Big Give and others to raise money for Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care – provided you have given them consent to pass information to us. You should check the privacy policy of these organisations if you wish to understand exactly how they process your data
- From an online or paper survey
- From a funeral director if you have donated in memory of someone you know
- From publicly available information such as Companies House, newspaper articles
- From social media – depending on your privacy settings. You should read the Privacy Notices of the individual social media platforms too
Why we need this information
Our organisation relies on our supporters to enable us to deliver vital free services to our patients and their families.
Our fundraising and communications team may contact you via direct mail or telephone to inform you about fundraising efforts we undertake to raise money for our charity. We may also ask your consent to opt-in to such fundraising communications via email or text messaging.
Our lawful basis for processing this information
We are allowed to process your information for one or more of these reasons:
- Consent: you have given clear consent for us to process their personal data for a specific purpose, especially with regards to digital communications
- Contract: the processing is necessary to fulfil a contract between you and Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care, for example when you make a purchase from our stores or donate to our charity
- Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests. This does not apply to digital communications in the charity sector (such as email or text messages) as covered in the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations
Conditions for processing special category data
Where we process special category data from our supporters, we are also required to have a condition for processing such data. We rely on the following conditions for processing special category data about our patients and their family:
- With your explicit consent
How we use this information
We use the information we collect to build a picture of our supporters and to ensure that our communications with you are relevant and timely and provide a good experience of supporting Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care.
We will segment the data we hold to give you a personalised experience of supporting Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care based on how you engage with us. Specifically, we may use information to:
- Provide you with services, products or information that you have requested
- Administer your donation, event entry/attendance or support your fundraising
- Thank you for your support
- Process a Gift Aid claim
- Keep a record of your relationship with us
- Record your contact preferences
- Send you our newsletters and other information about our charitable or fundraising activities or education events by post if we feel this could be of interest to you. We will email this information where we have consent.
- Tell your story for publicity purposes with consent or anonymised
- Gain publicity for current or future events by using photographs and videos taken at our fundraising events. For all other photography we ask for publicity consent forms to be completed.
- Understand how we can improve our services, products or information
- Ensure your safe participation in an event by sharing health and other relevant information you provide when you enter with third party providers who carry out health and safety roles as part of the event
- Group people together to make sure the correspondence they receive is relevant
- Build a picture of your company and employees to ensure we tailor our contact with you and provide you with the relevant stewardship
- For fraud prevention, credit risk reduction or otherwise as required by law or regulation
Who we share your information with
We may need to share your information with third parties to provide you with our services or to help us raise funds for our charity, these third parties include:
- Services providers who host our website and systems
- Payment card providers who handle transactions on our behalf
- Third-party marketing organisations we work with when you sign-up to our marketing as a charity
Where we store your information
Where possible, we ensure that your data is stored within the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area (EEA), however some of our storage locations and service providers may be hosted outside of the EEA. When we do need to transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we ensure one of the following safeguards are in place to provide a similar level of security of your data:
- Your personal data has been transferred to a country that has been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the Information Commissioner; or
- The hosting environment we use has specific contracts, codes of conduct or certification mechanisms in-place.
If none of these safeguards are available, we will only transfer your data with your explicit consent – which can be removed at any time by contacting us.
Please contact our Data Protection Officer if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK or EEA.
Volunteering privacy notice
The information we collect about you
When you apply for and accept a volunteering role with us, and during your volunteering, we collect information relevant to your volunteering activities which may include:
- Your personal details, including name, address, telephone number, email address and date of birth
- How you heard about us
- How you contacted us about volunteering
- Reference information and contact details of people providing references
- Interview notes
- Contact details of someone to contact in the event of an emergency
- Your bank account details if you claim for expenses
- Training you have completed
- Details of relevant qualifications and memberships of professional bodies
- Copies of documents relating to your role such as your driving licence
- Confirmation of any unspent convictions and, if the role you are applying for requires it, additional information to enable us to carry out a DBS (criminal record check)
- How you wish to be contacted including if you are happy to receive information about our work and fundraising activities
- Your preferred method of communication
- If you are happy to give your consent to us using your photographs on social media etc.
- Your eligibility to volunteer
- Your photograph for an ID card as required
Special category data
Some types of personal data are likely to be more sensitive and therefore require extra protection. The UK GDPR identifies special category data as:
- Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin
- Personal data revealing political opinions
- Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs
- Personal data revealing trade union membership
- Genetic data
- Biometric data (where used for identification purposes)
- Data concerning health
- Data concerning a person’s sex life
- Data concerning a person’s sexual orientation
We collect some special category data to inform us in our continued work to create a diverse volunteering workforce that reflects the local community we serve. We also collect it to ensure that we can provide a safe and supportive environment for our volunteers.
Our special condition(s) for processing this data is documented in a later section of this Privacy Notice.
How we collect this information
- Directly from you when you contact us, fill in an application form, as an additional request once you are already volunteering with us or face-to-face in meetings/interviews
- Indirectly from a third party when they supply a reference for you or recommend you for a role. We may also request information from third parties, for example, where the role requires a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Why we need this information
To ensure that you can fulfil your volunteering duties safely and with the appropriate training and support.
Our lawful basis for processing this information.
We are allowed to process your information for one or more of these reasons:
- Legal obligation: the processing is necessary to comply with the law
- Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests
- Consent: you have given clear consent for us to process your personal data for a specific purpose
Conditions for processing special and criminal record category data
Where we process special category and criminal record data from our volunteers, we are also required to have a condition for processing such data. We rely on the following conditions for processing special category data about volunteers:
- With your explicit consent
- In the field of employment, social security and social protection law
- Substantial public interest conditions
How we use this information
- To allow us to process your volunteering application, and find you an appropriate role
- To provide your line manager with information about you relevant to your role, including whether you have any health issues, to enable them to consider any appropriate adjustments to the volunteer environment to better support you in your role, To contact you according to your preferences
- To apply for a DBS check if required for your role
- To send you volunteering related information such as newsletters by email and post
- To pay expense claims should you make them
- For statistical analysis
- To understand the profiles of our groups of volunteers and to assist with planning volunteer strategy
Who we share your information with
- The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and our vetting provider, uCheck
- Rennie Grove Hospice Care and Peace Hospice Care – the organisations which merged to create our organisation
- Third party suppliers, business partners and sub-contractors for business administration, support, processing, services or IT purposes
- Professional bodies for professional registration checks
- The DVLA for driving licence checks
- The Home Office for share code checks
- Better Impact
- Raisers Edge
- Salesforce
Where we store your information
Where possible, we ensure that your data is stored within the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area (EEA), however some of our storage locations and service providers may be hosted outside of the EEA. When we do need to transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we ensure one of the following safeguards are in place to provide a similar level of security of your data:
- Your personal data has been transferred to a country that has been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the Information Commissioner; or
- The hosting environment we use has specific contracts, codes of conduct or certification mechanisms in-place.
If none of these safeguards are available, we will only transfer your data with your explicit consent – which can be removed at any time by contacting us.
Please contact our Data Protection Officer if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK or EEA.
If you apply for a job (whether as an employee, worker or contractor) at Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care we need to collect certain information about you to process your application and assess your suitability for the role.
The information we collect about you
When you apply for a role at Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care, we collect relevant information to your application which may include:
- Any information on your CV and application via our applicant tracking system during the application process. This could include your name, title, address, contact details, employment history and qualifications.
- Equal opportunities monitoring information (classed as special category data) during the application stage. This information is only used for statistical analysis and monitoring purposes.
- Details of your right to work in the United Kingdom.
- Answers to questions relevant to your role.
- Any information you may provide to us during an interview.
Special category data
Some types of personal data are likely to be more sensitive and therefore require extra protection. The UK GDPR identifies special category data as:
- Personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin.
- Personal data revealing political opinions.
- Personal data revealing religious or philosophical beliefs.
- Personal data revealing trade union membership.
- Genetic data.
- Biometric data (where used for identification purposes).
- Data concerning health.
- Data concerning a person’s sex life.
- Data concerning a person’s sexual orientation.
In certain limited cases we may collect special category data about job applicants including:
- If manual handling and/or heavy lifting is a vital requirement of the role, information about your health or any medical condition may impede this.
- If you are selected for an interview, provide information regarding how we may best support you if you tell us that you need additional support due to a medical condition or disability.
- Data for EDI reporting, including your ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
- Any unspent convictions from a criminal offence.
- If you have been disqualified from professional practice or are required to practice under specific limitations.
Our special condition(s) for processing this data is documented in a later section of this Privacy Notice.
How we collect this information
- Directly from you when you create an online account to submit an application form and your CV.
- From a third-party recruitment agency or online job board if you apply for a vacancy through them.
- Directly from a third party when they supply a reference for you or recommend you for a role. We may also request information from third parties, for example, where the role requires a criminal record check from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
- Where relevant, indirectly from third parties such as background check providers or credit reference agencies.
Why we need this information
We need this information to:
- Assess your suitability for employment.
- Carry out background and reference checks, where applicable.
- Communicate with you about the recruitment process.
- Keep records related to our hiring processes.
- Ensure we are complying with our legal obligations.
- For statistical analysis.
- Potentially to contact you about other vacancies.
Our lawful basis for processing this information
We are allowed to process your information for one or more of these reasons:
- Consent: you have given clear consent for us to process their personal data for a specific purpose.
- Legal obligation: the processing is necessary to comply with the law.
- Legitimate interests: the processing is necessary for our legitimate interests.
- Contract: the processing is necessary for a contract you have with the individual, or because they have asked you to take specific steps before entering a contract.
Conditions for processing special and criminal record category data
Where we process special category and criminal record data from our job applicants, we are also required to have a condition for processing such data. We rely on the following conditions for processing special category data about applicants:
- With your explicit consent.
- In the field of employment, social security and social protection law.
How we use this information
- To contact you about your application.
- To assess your suitability for a specific job vacancy by sharing it with the appropriate recruiting manager.
- To ensure we are observing all legal recruitment requirements e.g. discrimination and equality.
- To meet all record keeping requirements.
- For statistical analysis.
- To contact you about other vacancies.
Who we share your information with
- DocuSign (for document signing)
- Cascade (HR system)
- Prestige OH (occupational health)
- Disclosure Services (background checks)
- Microsoft and other cloud or IT services used during your application
Automated decision making
We use some automated screening tools as part of this application process. The answers you provide to one or more questions (excluding any special categories/equal opportunity questions) may automatically decline your application. This technology is used to help us manage the high volume of applications we receive and can assure applicants the same outcome would occur if we manually reviewed their applications. The reason for the decline will be made available to you in your candidate account.
Please get in touch with recruitment@renniegrovepeace.org to request support with any problems with submitting your application via the Applicant Tracking System.
Where we store your information
Where possible, we ensure that your data is stored within the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area (EEA), however some of our storage locations and service providers may be hosted outside of the EEA. When we do need to transfer your personal data out of the EEA, we ensure one of the following safeguards are in place to provide a similar level of security of your data: · Your personal data has been transferred to a country that has been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data by the Information Commissioner; or · The hosting environment we use has specific contracts, codes of conduct or certification mechanisms in-place. If none of these safeguards are available, we will only transfer your data with your explicit consent – which can be removed at any time by contacting us.
Please contact our Data Protection Officer if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK or EEA.
How long do we keep your information?
Your personal information will be retained in accordance with our data retention policy which categorises all the data assets held by us and specifies the appropriate retention period for each data asset.
These periods are based on the requirements to keep the data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, to meet any legal requirements or to satisfy any reporting, accounting, or contractual needs.
Please contact our Data Protection Officer if you would like further information on our retention periods.
Your rights
Under data protection law, you have rights including:
- Your right of access – You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
- Your right to rectification – You have the right to ask us to rectify personal information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
- Your right to erasure – You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.
- Your right to restriction of processing – You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
- Your right to object to processing – You have the the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
- Your right to data portability – You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.
You may exercise any of these rights by raising a subject access request with us. You can do this by contacting our Data Protection Officer.
We will not charge you for making a request and we will make all reasonable efforts to respond to you within 30 days. Sometimes it may take longer than 30 days to gather all the information we may hold on you, in this situation we will keep you always updated.
You can instruct us at any time to stop processing your personal data for the purposes of marketing.
We may refuse your request or withhold any personal information that you request if there is an overriding legal reason for us to do so.
Withdrawing consent
Where we rely on consent to process your personal information you may withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice.
To withdraw your consent, please contact our Data Protection Officer.
Checking your identity
We may need to request specific information from you to help us confirm your identity and ensure your right to access your personal data (or to exercise any of your other rights). If you ask a representative to make a request under this Privacy Notice, we will ask them to prove they have your permission to act.
You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we may refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.
Information Security
Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care takes the security of your information extremely seriously. To protect your data, we implement a risk-based approach to adopt the strongest organisational and technical controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data. This includes annual cyber security audits by a dedicated third-party specialist.
The only website this privacy policy applies to is Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care’s website. If you use links to any other website from the Hospice’s website, then you will need to read their privacy policy. We take no responsibility (legal or otherwise) for the content of their websites.
Social Media
We have several social media pages, for example on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Although this Privacy Notice covers how we handle any data we may obtain from social media, it does not cover how the providers of these platforms use your information. Please ensure you read their own Privacy policies and make use of their privacy settings to control how your information is used.
When using digital platforms to communicate with us, for example Facebook or Twitter, we recommend that you read their privacy policies or notices to understand how they use your information.
Our website uses cookies to track the use of it. This allows us to better understand patterns on our website and how we can develop and improve it, as well as analysing the traffic on our site for marketing or advertising purposes.
A cookie is a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.
The cookies we use
Forms related cookies: When you submit data to us through a form such as those found on contact pages or comment forms cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence.
Site preferences cookies: To provide you with a great experience on our websites, we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how this site runs when you use it. To remember your preferences, we need to set cookies so that this information can be recalled whenever you interact with a page to meet your preferences.
Third Party Cookies: In some special cases we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through this site.
This site uses Google Analytics, which is an analytics solution on the web, for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content. We might also use Google Analytics, which is a similar service, to ensure we have the best information possible to improve our service.
For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see their official web page.
From time to time, we test new features and make subtle changes to the way that the site is delivered. When we are still testing new features, these cookies may be used to ensure that you receive a consistent experience whilst on the site whilst ensuring we understand which optimisations our users appreciate the most.
Managing Cookies
Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies and to delete cookies. The method for doing so differs with each browser, the following guides for the most common internet browsers detail the processes for doing this:
- https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en (Google Chrome)
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences (Mozilla Firefox)
- https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies (Internet Explorer)
- https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411 (Safari)
- https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy (Microsoft Edge)
Blocking cookies may impact your experience on our website as you may not be able to make full use of the features on it.