CompassionART Cafés FAQs

Find out what to expect when you attend our CompassionART Cafés

Everyone is welcome. A CompassionART Café is about helping people through the ups and downs of life, particularly for those who have had a loss such as a bereavement, or who might be feeling lonely.

No – you can just turn up! You can go to as many Cafés as you want.

You do not need to pay to attend. Some Cafés offer free refreshments while others are run on a donation basis or have subsidised prices.

Yes, and if you need any extra support, just let us know.

You’re very welcome to bring a friend, relative or carer. Most of the Cafés also allow well-behaved dogs.

You can either email us at, call us on 01923 33 03 30, or fill out an enquiry form by clicking the button below.


Art can be a great way to express emotions and reduce stress. Our CompassionART Cafés provide a space to enjoy getting creative in a relaxing and supportive environment, helping to improve wellbeing through a challenging time.  

Our Compassionate Communities Group volunteers offer their companionship, time, social and emotional support to people towards the end of life due to age or illness and/or people who are suffering with a loss, in a group setting like a  Compassionate Support Hub and/or Compassionate Café.