When is it? Sunday 30 June 2024, 1pm - 6pm

Where is it? Tring and surrounding areas

How much does it cost? £5 per person, £15 per family
Tring Open Gardens
Enjoy the afternoon strolling around nine gardens and the Duckmore Lane allotments in Tring. The gardens are opening to raise money for Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care, a real community event!
There will be plant sales, refreshments, a choir and more. You can start and purchase a ticket from any garden (no payment at the allotments). Once you have paid entry you will be given a map which will act as your ticket, please show this when entering other gardens.
Tickets cost £5 per person or £15 per family. Please note cash only.
Garden details:
9 Clarkes Spring (off Station Road) HP23 5QL
16 years ago an estate agent showed the owners the house but it was not the house they were looking for. However, when they saw beyond the 7ft dense hedge at the end of the garden they immediately fell in love with the ever-changing views across the fields, Aldbury Nowers and beyond. They wanted to create a wildlife garden to blend in with the landscape, enough work to give them a bit of exercise, but not so much that they wouldn’t have time to sit back and enjoy listening to the skylarks or watching the sunset with a G&T!
2 disabled spaces at the front of the property, additional parking at The Wolds (Station Road), No.12 & No.14 Clarkes Spring and Station Road, subject to availability – up to the canal bridge.
Little Redlands, Cow Lane HP23 5NS
Woodland fern area with formal pond and summer house. Cottage garden planting both front and back with wildlife pond and wildflower and vegetable garden. Garden silversmith jewellery studio with 10% of any sales to Rennie Grove Peace.
Refreshments available, silversmith jewellery sale, partially accessible (small steps), 1 disabled space at property, parking at Pendley Sports Centre, dogs on leads.
The Hundreds, Cow Lane HP23 5NS
The owner of this garden considers it a sanctuary where nature spontaneously fills the beds. She could call it her garden of weeds, as she feels she has little control over the planting. The owner feels that the garden connects her to the earth, calms her and brings her into the present.
Plant sale and baked goods to take away in front garden, local artwork on display, 1 disabled space at property, parking at Pendley Sports Centre, dogs on leads.
33 Grove Park HP23 5JS
A newly transformed garden over the last 5 years, with herbaceous and ornamental borders. It features an old wall which is planted, an Acacia tree and pond.
Rock Chorus singers from 2-5pm, no dogs.
87 Grove Park HP23 5JR
The owners have lived there over 30 years, leaving the shape of the rear garden, with just side borders and the rest of the grass, untouched until 15 years ago when they added flower beds in the centre to make it more interesting. Mainly cottage garden plants, many grow from seed. The rockery was originally further back but was moved forward to make a composting area behind. The willow tree was planted by the previous owner own had seen a willow tree cut down and exclaimed her sadness whereby she was handed a twig and told to stick it in the ground – and there it began.
Garden not fully wheelchair accessible, no dogs, Tring Yarn Bombers display and sales proceeds to RGP.
The Croft, 18 Station Road HP23 5NG
Over the years the garden has seen paddling pools and goal posts, now it’s a peaceful haven for enjoyment and relaxation. The owners dabble and are no experts horticulturally but the joy the garden offers them is enormous.
Pimms & refreshments available, 1 disabled space in front garden, dogs on leads.
Woodlands, Bulbourne HP23 5QE
Although the owners have lived at the property for many years, they have only recently tried to be gardeners. The garden is part of an old orchard retaining four mature fruit trees. There is a wonderful view over the fields, canal, towards Marsworth. The owner is trying to create a herbaceous/cottage feel and develop the beds year on year. It’s work in progress!
Refreshments, toilet available, parking in Tring Garden Centre until 4pm & The Grand Junction Arms from 4pm subject to availability, 1 disabled space at property, no on street parking, dogs on leads.
38 Miswell Lane HP23 4DD
The owners bought the house, many years ago, it had been empty for a year so the garden was a jungle. They cleared it and made it child friendly with mostly lawn and shaped beds around the edges. On retirement they made the garden their own and now it is their sanctuary where they spend many happy hours. They hope it will inspire you with your garden.
Garden not wheelchair accessible, no dogs, on street parking in Miswell Lane and Barbers Walk subject to availability.
98 Western Road HP23 4BJ
Up until 3 years ago this garden was the tarmac car park behind the vets on Western Road. It has now been landscaped and transformed into an unrecognisable walled garden with terraces, trees, herbaceous borders, ponds, veg patch and more. Different seating areas create atmosphere and entertaining spaces to sit and enjoy and urban sanctuary. Please be aware when visiting this garden that there are different levels, terraces and ponds.
Garden not fully accessible, on street parking in Miswell Lane, subject to availability, no dogs.
Tring Allotments, Duckmore Lane, HP23 6DA – – no payment at the allotments
Allotments in this area date back to 1920’s when Lord Rothschild asked a local famer to release land for very low rent, so Tring Allotments were formed. The Association promotes active lives, physical exercise and well-being. Growing one’ s own food also helps reduce the carbon footprint. Tring Council maintains hedges, grass mowing paths and water troughs. Come and see for yourselves and chat to some of the dedicated gardeners. Please keep to main paths.
Limited parking on Duckmore Lane, NO parking available in the allotments car park.
Frequently Asked Questions
Got a question about this event? We’ve popped some info below however if you have any other questions please get in touch with our Community Fundraising Team on 01442 89 02 22 or email community.fundraising@renniegrovepeace.org
Please refer to the garden details above for tips on parking. There are public car parks in Tring: The Forge, The Library, Frogmore Street. Some gardens have one disabled space for blue badge holders, subject to availability. Not all gardens are fully accessible.
There is a toilet available at Woodlands in Bulbourne only. Unfortunately the local public toilets are closed on Sundays.
Not all gardens are dog friendly, please see notes above on each garden to check which gardens are dog friendly. Those gardens which are dog friendly ask for dogs to be on leads please.
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